David Fontana

3 posts

Smith, Jonathan C. – A Critical Take on Psychical Research

This extended review was among the last things David Fontana wrote. Here David provides a critical response to a sceptical book on parapsychology. PSEUDOSCIENCE AND EXTRAORDINARY CLAIMS OF THE PARANORMAL: A CRITICAL THINKER’S TOOLKIT Jonathan C. Smith Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, 410 pp.,   £23.99, p/b – ISBN 978-1-4051-8122-8 On page 262 of […]

A Quantum Shift? – Where we seem to be now on Life after Death

With over 100 years of research into the nature of death and survival of consciousness, a more sophisticated way of looking at the evidence seems to be emerging. Based on a number of interviews and wide reading, Lance Butler outlines a new understanding based on science as well as spiritual […]

Meditation Mandala

Essay Review: Tibetan and Western Models of Mind

Any attempt to help neuroscientists and Tibetan Buddhists to understand each other is of potential value. At the very least, such an attempt is likely to help scholars on both sides to enter discussions from informed positions rather than from ignorance. Thus these three books deserve a warm welcome, though […]