
6 posts

smart phone

Digital Dementia

How does digital technology change the way the brain works? Is digital technology making us smarter? Do children learn faster using computers? Neuroscientist and philosopher, Manfred Spitzer, argues in this TV interview that digital technology is dangerous to the developing brain, and should be banned in education. It can cause […]

Water Lilly

Does Meditation change the brain structure?

Recent research by Harvard neuroscientist Sara Lazal indicates that a regular practice of meditation leads to changes in the brain. Also, that it can prevent some of the shrinkage of grey matter associated with aging. In a TEDx talk, Lazar relates how she was led to the discovery by observing […]

An Introduction to Neural Networks

Gurney, Kevin, Professor PhD MSc

Professor Kevin Gurney, MSc, PhD is co-leader of the Adaptive Behaviour Research Group, where he focuses on computational modeling but interacts with, and supports, experimental work in human psychophysics, neuroscience and robotics. One of the hallmarks of his research is building models at different levels of description: from individual conductance-based neurons, […]

Dr Peter Fenwick - Conciousness and Dying

Fenwick, Peter, Dr.

Dr. Peter Brooke Cadogan Fenwick – President of the Scientific and Medical Network – is a graduate of Trinity College, Cambridge, where he studied Natural Science. He obtained his clinical experience at St Thomas’ Hospital Career Peter Fenwick was a senior lecturer at King’s College, London, where he worked as […]