SMN Thinking Challenge papers by leading scientists or medics

As an attempt to encourage professional scientists and medics out of their expert domain (due to the habitual limitations imposed by relating with their competitor peers), this series of papers challenges professionals to share briefly cross disciplinary insights and speculations.  These two page ‘think pieces’ dare individuals to speculate in the widest way by ‘thinking outside the box’ to challenge present day theories and beliefs.

One process to aid speculation is to map an area of one’s professional domain onto a dissimilar domain, and see if constructive insights, interconnections, synthesis etc., takes place.  This is certainly not an anti-science process, as one is speculating within years of experience, knowledge and wisdom. It may though lead to a new science of the human being and the universe we inhabit (or think we do!).

Papers of around two pages (including references) are invited for peer review.  The peer review is in place, to reflect on/ help improve, the clarity of the reasoned argument, to communicate their reader ‘challenge’ in the paper.  Published papers will give the author a six month electronic membership access to the SMN (journal and archives). Please email papers to [email protected].