Network Review Winter 2009

Issue No: 101

coverEditorial: Time to Raise our Game – A personal view from the Chair – John Clarke


The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World –Iain McGilchrist

Reclaiming a Life of Quality –Brian Goodwin

Spiritual Alchemy: When Trauma and Turmoil Lead to Spiritual Awakening – Steve Taylor

The Participatory Turn – The Plurality of Religions and the Spirit of Pluralism –Jorge N. Ferrer

Interview with Fergus Capie  Janine Edge

In Support of Empirical and Rational Research – Emma Nattress


Beyond the Brain VIII: Self and Death – What Survives?  Julian Candy

Towards a New Renaissance 3: Harmonising Spirituality, Nature and Health – A Personal Account – Claudia Nielsen 

Science and Imagination SMN Annual Gathering – Max Payne

Towards an Understanding of the Primacy of Consciousness  James Le Fanu


Network News

Book Reviews

Books in Brief – David Lorimer

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