The Cambridge Group used to meet from 6.40 for 7pm start, as a rule on the second Thursday of alternate months (Jan/Mar/May/Jul/Sep/Nov), in Hazel Guest’s flat, 44, Beaufort Place, Thompson’s Lane, Cambridge CB5 8AG. A member or a guest speaker would present a topic and then the meeting was opened to discussion, ending at 9pm. All SMN members were welcome to attend.
We would love to revive this group.
If you are a paid up member of the Network and living in the Cambridge area please get in touch with Jacqui Nielsen, the board member responsible for local groups.
Local Groups are autonomous groups of members and their guests, meeting together for lectures and discussions. They are not a formal part of the Scientific and Medical Network (SMN).
Please complete the following form to request membership of the Cambridge Group. We will contact you when the Group is active again.
Click here to apply for SMN membership
By joining you agree that we may send you notices of events organized by the SMN and by local/national groups. If in the future you decide that you no longer wish to receive a particular category of notices you may unsubscribe by responding to such a notice by an email with the subject “unsubscribe”.