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575 posts

Network Review Winter 2008

Issue No: 98 Editorial: Some More Thoughts on Tighropes – A Personal View– Chris Lyons Articles The Moral Bankruptcies of our Civilisation– Ben Okri Restoring Harmony and Connection: Inner and Outer– A speech by HRH Prince of Wales Happiness and the Teaching of Values– Richard Layard The Not-Yet-Developed World: Investigating […]

Network Review Summer 2008

Issue No: 97 Editorial: Third Thoughts on Tightrope Walking – Martin Redfern Articles The Metaphysics of Near-Death Experience – David Lawton The Blissful Brain: Neuroscience and the Proof of the Power of Meditation – Dr Shanida Nataraja Four Ways to Meet the Ecological Challenge (after Matthew Fox): a Psychologist’s Perspective – Isabel Clarke Why I Believe […]

London Group – Meeting Reports 2007

November 2007 The Valley Spirit – an Introduction to the Tao Te Ching Shantena Sabbadini is an associate director of the Pari Center for New Learning in Italy, and a physicist who worked on the foundations of quantum physics. He has a deep interest in mystical traditions, especially Chinese, and […]

London Group – Meeting Reports 2006

November 2006 Who has free will? How does it work? In November Dr. Chris Nunn spoke about free will. Chris is a retired psychiatrist and an assistant editor of the Journal of Consciousness Studies. He recently launched his latest book De La Mettrie’s Ghost: the Story of Decisions, in which […]