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575 posts

Online Courses

The Blind Can See During Near Death Experiences

In their book Mindsight, Dr. Kenneth Ring and Sharon Cooper report on in-depth interviews with 31 people who were fully or partially blind and had a near-death experience where they could see. One of their subjects was Vicki Noratuk who had been blind from birth when she was involved in a car […]

Conscious Machines – What do they think?

By Paul Kieniewicz So, we may one day all be replaced by intelligent machines. One day, given enough computational power, machines will become self-aware. According to some AI researchers, some machines already have a measure of self-awareness. Of consciousness. And then, there’s the fabled Singularity, when the machine surpasses the […]

Burst Background

Data Protection, Privacy, Payments and Refunds Policies

The following policies are adopted by the Scientific and Medical Network (SMN):  Data Protection 1. The SMN seeks at all time to be compliant with the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which is effective 25th May 2018. 2. The SMN has appointed one of its Directors, […]

slime mold

Is a Brain Necessary for Intelligence?

By Paul Kieniewicz The slime mold Physarum polycephalum (diameter: around 10 centimeters), made up of a single cell, was here cultivated in the laboratory on agar gel. It’s a fair assumption. If we’re looking for intelligent behavior in an animal, it had better have a brain, or at the very […]


Hands, John – Cosmosapiens: Human Evolution From the Origin of the Universe

Ultimate Questions David Lorimer COSMOSAPIENS John Hands Duckworth, 2015, 704 pp., £30, h/b – ISBN 978-0-715-649558 10 years in the making, this tour de force is a critical examination of scientific theories and evidence – systematic observation or experiment –  about the origin and evolution of matter, life, consciousness and […]

Thriving with Homeopathy – Introduction

Thriving With Homeopathy – A Practical Guide For The Whole Family, Carers, Nurses & Beyond Thriving with Homeopathy for Birthing Live – A Practical Guide for Midwives, Doulas, Childbirth Educators and Nurses