David Lorimer

25 posts

A Quantum Shift? – Where we seem to be now on Life after Death

With over 100 years of research into the nature of death and survival of consciousness, a more sophisticated way of looking at the evidence seems to be emerging. Based on a number of interviews and wide reading, Lance Butler outlines a new understanding based on science as well as spiritual […]

Network Review Spring 2015

Editorial – Bernard Carr Articles A New Era of Complexity for the 21st Century – the Interactionist Turn – Laurence Foss Humanity’s Increasing Effects on Earth’s Environments: The Anthropocene Epoc – Victor Gostin Philosophy Lives – a philosophical journey – Gareth Morgan Being Fully Human. Core Content for the Network? – […]

Network Review Winter 2014

Editorial – Edi Bilimoria Articles Global Crisis or Opportunity: We Do Therefore We Evolve – Mick Collins The Problem of Peace – Dr Albert Schweitzer What is Peace? – Dr. Dieter Duhm Beyond Explanation: A Trans-Materialist Interpretation of NDEs – Steve Taylor Scientists Find Hints for the Immortality of the Soul – Dr […]

Network Review Summer 2010

Issue No: 103 Editorial: The Challenge of the New – Bernard Carr Articles A Proposed New Paradigm of Matter, Mind and Spirit – Bernard Carr A Post-modern Emissary: moving forward from McGllchrist – Chris Clarke Recent Developments in Science and Medicine – Marilyn Monk Synthesising a DNA Genome is a Major Feat – but is […]

Network Review Summer 2009

Issue No: 100 Editorial: Network Review 100 not out – David Lorimer Articles Crisis as Opportunity: Seizing the Moment for a new Renaissance – Oliver Robinson, John Clarke, David Lorimer Sustainability for the Next 50 Generations – Henryk Skolimowski Why Us? Dualism Resurgent – James Le Fanu You are Brilliant and the Earth is Hiring – Paul […]