
317 posts

Electromagnetic Waves

Harnessing the Bioelectric Potential of Cells for Regeneration

Michael Levin, biologist at Tufts university discusses the role of electricity in healing and regeneration of lost organs or limbs. In a series of remarkable experiments, he showed how organisms contain information on how to heal wounds or regenerate limbs. In one experiment, by changing the voltage of certain cells, he […]

London Group – Meeting Reports 2016

November 2016 Atheist Spirituality The November presentation was given by Geoff Crocker, who has a career in business strategy working with international corporations, and who, following a re-evaluation of his relationship with the Anglican Church, developed a model of spirituality which he calls Atheist Spirituality. He is the author of An […]

London Group 01-2017 – Is the Sun Conscious?

We started the year on a high, with a full house and 35 people on the waiting list to hear Rupert Sheldrake. The question posed invites reflection that goes beyond the sun, galaxies and encompasses the whole universe. Rupert started by reminding us that many traditions and mythologies consider the sun as conscious even […]

Eternity Now

London Group 02-2017 – Science, Religion and the future of the Afterlife

This month we heard Dr. Peter Moore, an academic who back in 1972 pioneered the new area of Religious Studies at University of Kent, and later introduced an MA in the Study of Mysticism and Religious Experience at the same university with the late Leon Schlamm. Peter started by stating that […]

London Group 05-2017 – Stephen Hawking nearly talks about God –

This month we welcomed Keith Ward who spoke at many SMN conferences but nor yet to the London Group.  PROF KEITH WARD is a philosopher and a priest in the Church of England. He is the author of over 25 books and numerous articles and has in the past taught philosophy, […]

London Group 07-2017 – Near Death Experiences (NDEs) in Japan

Dr. ORNELLA CORAZZA is a medical anthropologist, author of Near-Death Experiences: exploring the mind-body connection (Routledge 2008). She held fellowships at the 21st Century Centre of Excellence (COE) on Death and Life Studies at the University of Tokyo and this evening Ornella explained the different perspectives the Japanese have on what it means to […]