
317 posts

The Self Does Not Die: Verified Paranormal Phenomena from Near-Death Experiences by Titus Rivas (Author), Anny Dirven (Author), Rudolf Smit

Rivas,T, Dirven A and Smit, R ‘The Self Does Not Die: Verified Paranormal Phenomena from Near-Death Experiences’ – Science Supports the Reality of the Soul

The Self Does Not Die: Verified Paranormal Phenomena from Near-Death Experiences by Titus Rivas, Annie Dirven and Rudolf H. Smit Reviewed by Eben Alexander   True open-minded skepticism is our greatest ally in trying to better understand the mind-brain connection as it is revealed through the extraordinary lens of near-death experiences […]

The Truth about Cancer by Ty M. Bollinger

Bollinger, T.M ‘The Truth about Cancer’ Peat, P ‘ The Cancer Revolution – Integrative Medicine – the Future of Cancer Care: Your Guide to Integrating Complementary and Conventional Medicine’ – Beyond the Cancer Monopoly?

 The Truth about Cancer by Ty M. Bollinger  Reviewed by David Lorimer            The Cancer Revolution – Integrative Medicine – the Future of Cancer Care: Your Guide to Integrating Complementary and Conventional Medicine by Patricia Peat and 37 expert contributors Reviewed by David Lorimer   The debate about […]