Spirit and Brain in the Emergence of the Complete Human Being on Earth

129 posts

Spirit and Brain in the Emergence of the Complete Human Being on Earth

It remains controversial to this day the precise point in the evolutionary chain leading from apes to modern man at which the first men, the primeval men, came into being on earth. The main reason for this controversy derives from the inability of the evolutionists to be able to formulate […]

Homeopathy: The therapy that dare not speak its name?

According to modern pharmacology, there can be no biochemical basis for homeopathy because substances diluted out of existence should not have any effects, let alone therapeutic ones. So to practice or partake of homeopathy is tantamount to believing that nothing has the power to do something, i.e., homeopathy is magic. […]

The Cosmological Constant

The universe owes its existence, not to reality, (of which we know precious little), but to human imagination and mathematical equations. Only through the medium of conscious observation does the universe become a bona fide representation of itself, and even then, only through the eyes of the beholder. Imagine then, […]

Reflections on the Reception of Unconventional Claims in Science

As a sociologist of science I remain outside of the controversies surrounding unconventional claims in science. My commitment is to the judicial process within the scientific community rather than the resolution of specific debates. My general concern is to try to foster an interdisciplinary program, best called anomalistics, on the […]

Seeking for whom the bell tolls: Exploring mind-matter interactions on a global scale

Is there a global mind? Could it be detected quantitatively? In an empirical approach to this question, over the last decade a half-dozen researchers have examined the outputs of electronic noise-based, truly random number generators (RNG) before, during and after highly focused or coherent group events. (See video). The group […]

THE PHOENIX GENERATION: A New Era of Connection, Compassion & Consciousness

In the years ahead we are going to see great change sweeping through our diverse human societies. It will be change not only brought about by intentional minds and willing hearts; but also by necessity, by coercion, and from an evolutionary imperative. The 21st century will be equivalent to the […]