Psyche and Cosmos: the emergence of order out of chaos

129 posts

Psyche and Cosmos: the emergence of order out of chaos

Recent developments in the fields of complexity, self-organising systems and cosmogenesis have revived interest in the anti-reductionist idea of emergence, and this paper will examine some of the implications of this idea for our understanding of the human psyche, with particular reference to Jung’s thinking. In recent years there has […]

Network Review Spring 2010

  Editorial: A People’s Revolution – a personal message from the chair – John Clarke Articles Seeking a New Paradigm of Matter, Mind and Spirit – Bernard Carr Aim and Structure of the SMN: a Silent Dog – Frank Parkinson Humanity’s Collective, Evolution-of-Consciousness Adventure – Martin Lockley and Ryo Morimoto Compassion and Life’s Challenges – Paul […]

Network Review Winter 2009

Issue No: 101 Editorial: Time to Raise our Game – A personal view from the Chair – John Clarke Articles The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World –Iain McGilchrist Reclaiming a Life of Quality –Brian Goodwin Spiritual Alchemy: When Trauma and Turmoil Lead to Spiritual Awakening – Steve Taylor The Participatory Turn – […]

Network Review Spring 2009

Issue No: 99 Articles Sitting on Both Sides of the Fence (and above it too)– Marilyn Monk The Master and his Emissary– Iain McGilchrist Darwin’s Ghost at the Birthday Party– David Loye Participative Inquiry and Group Musical Improvisation– Clement Jewitt From Banks & Ditches to Dowsing Two-Dimensional Geometry– Jeffrey S. Keen After […]

Network Review Winter 2008

Issue No: 98 Editorial: Some More Thoughts on Tighropes – A Personal View– Chris Lyons Articles The Moral Bankruptcies of our Civilisation– Ben Okri Restoring Harmony and Connection: Inner and Outer– A speech by HRH Prince of Wales Happiness and the Teaching of Values– Richard Layard The Not-Yet-Developed World: Investigating […]

Network Review Summer 2008

Issue No: 97 Editorial: Third Thoughts on Tightrope Walking – Martin Redfern Articles The Metaphysics of Near-Death Experience – David Lawton The Blissful Brain: Neuroscience and the Proof of the Power of Meditation – Dr Shanida Nataraja Four Ways to Meet the Ecological Challenge (after Matthew Fox): a Psychologist’s Perspective – Isabel Clarke Why I Believe […]