
97 posts

ArticlesThe SMN members have created a large volume of written material over the years, much of which has been published in the Network Review. Here you will find a selection of the member articles.


Summary of members’ forum: SMN AGM on 5th July, 2015.

Within the next 10 years, the SMN will: Be a protective place and springboard for a new generation of scientists. Be an organisation which is challenging whatever is the current orthodoxy and continuing to be leading-edge. Hold events which are more participative and experiential – and have acquired the understanding […]

Death and the Human Animal

Here Mary Midgley, now in her 90s, reflects on the profound implications of attempting to abolish death. The more one thinks it through, the less desirable the prospect seems. An earlier version of this article appeared in Philosophy Now, March-April 2012 Till lately, people discussing death didn’t have to consider […]

Atomic Forces

Are there limits to what we can know?

  These days, there’s no shortage of scientific optimism, that this or that problem, even though it cannot be solved today will one day be solved. One day we will understand the nature of consciousness and, yes, it will be shown to be material in origin. One day we’ll prove […]

Yoga Exercise In Class

Can Yoga and Meditation ward off Alzheimer’s disease?

We’re all used to hearing that a course in yoga and meditation can make you feel better. Help you cope with stress. Now a new study headed by Helen Lavretsky of UCLA and published in the May edition of the Journal of Alzheimer’s Research indicates yoga and meditation may also […]

Finding a New Central Purpose

Do you have a purpose, in your life, or in your work, or both? Perhaps this is something you never ask yourself. Or perhaps it changes from day to day as you try to grapple with the challenges that life seems to throw at you. I have found that having […]

The Brain on LSD: First scans show how the drug affects the brain

A recent study by scientists at Imperial College London has revealed for the first time how the brain behaves during an LSD induced experience. The study, led by David J. Nutt, involved fMRI scans of subjects who had taken LSD and compared them with others who had been given a […]

Epigenetic Tags can be passed on to the Next Generation

Epigenetics — the science of gene expression is a moving target. Over the past thirty years geneticists recognised that the way a gene is expressed can be influenced by environmental factors. A mother’s obesity, diabetes stress or even mental illness can be passed onto her offspring even if the condition […]