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575 posts

Peter Allen

Allen, Peter M, Professor Emeritus, Ph.D

Professor Peter Allen is Emeritus Professor at Cranfield University. He developed and ran the Complex Systems Research Centre in the School of Management at Cranfield University. He is still actively involved in on-going research. He has a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics and from 1970 to 1987 worked with Professor Ilya […]

Basil Hiley

Hiley, Basil, Professor PhD

Professor Basil Hiley graduated from Kings College London with a First in Special Physics and obtained his PhD under Professor Domb in 1962.  The topic of his PhD was on Cooperative Phenomena and the Protein Folding Problem.  He joined Birkbeck College in 1961 and was awarded a Chair of Physics […]


Psychological Reflections on G. I. Gurdjieff with Charles T. Tart

Charles T. Tart, PhD, is an emeritus professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis, as well as the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. He is a past-president of the Parapsychological Association. Books that he has authored include Psi: Scientific Studies in the Psychic Realm, States of Consciousness, The End […]

electric rose

An electric rose by any other name….

That living processes in plants and animals involve electricity has been known for almost two centuries. Around 1900, the biologist J.C. Bose researched how living tissues generate electricity. He went as far as to propose that the flow of electricity in plant tissues mimicked that of animal nerve cells. Perhaps, […]

Charlotte Lorimer

Lorimer, Charlotte

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Donald Trump by Gage Skidmore

Paradoxes of Wilber’s Appreciation of the Trump Challenge by Anthony Judge

Introduction Few with a philosophical or psychological inclination have as yet commented extensively on the significance of the election of Donald Trump. The insights of George Lakoff are a valuable exception (Understanding Trump, 23 July 2016), although he holds the view that Trump won by somehow breaking the current rules […]

Bell’s Theorem – Is Everything Predetermined?

Is quantum entanglement real? When two photons are created at the same time, and then separated over some distance, are they still mysteriously in touch with each other, so that what one photon does affects what the other photon does — instantaneously? The concept was first quantified by Bell in […]