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575 posts

Epigenetic Tags can be passed on to the Next Generation

Epigenetics — the science of gene expression is a moving target. Over the past thirty years geneticists recognised that the way a gene is expressed can be influenced by environmental factors. A mother’s obesity, diabetes stress or even mental illness can be passed onto her offspring even if the condition […]

Van Lommel, P ‘Consciousness Beyond Life: The Science of the Near-Death Experience’, Carter, C ‘Science and the Near-Death Experience: How Consciousness Survives Death’ – The NDE and Beyond

Consciousness Beyond Life: The Science of the Near-Death Experience by Pim van Lommel Science and the Near-Death Experience: How Consciousness Survives Death by Chris Carter Reviewed by David Lorimer Near-death studies are now a well-established field, even if they receive scant attention from the mainstream scientific community. Between 1975 and […]


An Introduction to the Scientific and Medical Network

I hope you have had some at least of your questions answered about who we are and what we do.  If you have any further questions then do please contact us and we will be pleased to discuss things further. Please consider seriously joining the SMN. Your membership (both involvement and […]

The Science of Dreaming – Interview with Kelley Bulkeley

Have you ever had a dream that was particularly memorable — one that shook you to the core; perhaps it marked a significant change in your life? Carl Gustav Jung referred to such dreams, that normally occur 2-3 times in a person’s life  as Big Dreams. Recently Kelley Bulkeley, dream […]

The Human Future

As the world population passes the 7 billion mark, Sir Crispin asks: Where are we coming from? Where are we now? Where are we going? There are no easy answers. For all of us the past as well as the future is an almost unknown country; and the present is […]

The Gaian Bottleneck (or why Earth is special)

In 1950, Enrico Fermi reputedly exclaimed to his colleagues at Los Alamos National Laboratory, “Well, where are they?” He was talking about alien civilizations. If there’s nothing special about Earth, and there are millions of similar rocky planets in our galaxy then surely carbon-based life would have arisen many times, […]