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575 posts

Redemption and Resistance: The Messianic Hopes of Jews and Christians in Antiquity)

Carleton Paget, James, Dr.

James Carleton Paget  is Senior Lecturer in New Testament Studies at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Peterhouse. He has written widely on matters to do with Christian origins, and the relationship of ancient Christianity to Judaism, and recently co-edited Vol. 1 of the first volume of The […]

Universe or Multiverse?

Carr, Bernard, Emeritus Professor

Professor Bernard Carr  is Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy at Queen Mary, University of London. He read mathematics as an undergraduate at Trinity College, Cambridge, and studied for his doctorate under Stephen Hawking at the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge and the California Institute of Technology. He was elected […]

The Law of Syntropy

di Corpo, Ulisse, PhD

Dr. Ulisse di Corpo  holds degrees in experimental psychology and a PhD in statistics and social research. He works in the field of social research and provides methodological support and software tools to researchers. In 1977 he developed the vital needs theory, which was the subject of his thesis in […]

Dr Peter Fenwick - Conciousness and Dying

Fenwick, Peter, Dr.

Dr. Peter Brooke Cadogan Fenwick – President of the Scientific and Medical Network – is a graduate of Trinity College, Cambridge, where he studied Natural Science. He obtained his clinical experience at St Thomas’ Hospital Career Peter Fenwick was a senior lecturer at King’s College, London, where he worked as […]


Who We Are The Scientific and Medical Network (SMN) is a worldwide professional community and membership organisation for open-minded, rigorous and evidence-based enquiry into themes bridging science, spirituality and consciousness. It promotes a cultural shift in our understanding of reality and human experience beyond the limits imposed by exclusively materialist and […]

Consciousness and Time

Membership Renewal

We are delighted that you are renewing* your membership of the Scientific and Medical Network and look forward to welcoming you at our up and coming talks and conferences. We have seen many changes over the past year both to this web site, the admin team and to the board of […]