Professor Jim Malone discusses how he uncovered a painting of Erwin Schrödinger and what the painting says about the artist, the subject and their relationship to science and spirituality.
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These days there’s no shortage of conspiracy theories. Many people still believe that the moon landings were faked, that climate change is a hoax, nuclear power is available at low temperatures or that the 9/11 attacks were staged by the US military. While some conspiracy theories do end up being […]
Over the last several decades, the Mind & Life Institute has organized regular dialogues between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and leading scientists and philosophers. The goal of these meetings has been to creatively but critically investigate themes of mutual interest—such as the nature of reality and consciousness, ecology and […]
Depth Psychology has never had it easy. Most articles in New Scientist and other scientific journals denounce psychoanalysis as pseudoscience, a collection of disproved and discredited techniques for curing mental illness. At worst, a scam. A long review article by Oliver Burkeman recently published in the Guardian takes a different view that […]
This paper explores varieties of spiritual emergency as a process of profound psychospiritual transformation. “I’ll be talking about myself! I’ll probably go mad after giving this paper.”1 This refrain went round and round in his head. The paper was on the ‘Importance of the Unconscious in Psychopathology’. The year was […]
In a recent panel discussion hosted by Science and Non Duality (SAND), posted on youtube, several top scientists and explore their current understanding on the nature of consciousness. Participating were, Stuart R. Hameroff, MD, Director of the Center for Consciousness Studies Julia Mossbridge, Ph.D., Director of the Innovation lab at […]
In a recent talk to IONS, just posted on youtube, Dean Radin, a researcher known best for his work in parapsychology speculates on the future of consciousness research. Today new techniques are available for expanding our consciousness, not only new drugs but electromagnetic devices that affect the brain’s activity; enhance […]
Voyages of the Solar Boat Club is an afterlife allegory; a fairy tale for people afraid of the dark; a shamanic journey to the three worlds. The book takes off from my discovery of how the model of the afterlife in ancient Egypt changed from the Field of Reeds to […]
The existence of “free will” was thrown into question in a famous study conducted by Benjamin Libet in the 1980s in which he demonstrated that his subjects responded to stimuli before they were even aware of them. A person’s brain records precursor activity to moving an arm before that person […]
Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal by Anthony WIlliam Reviewed by David Lorimer Anthony William is the Edgar Cayce of our time in terms of the intuitive diagnostic scans he gives people, pinpointing their health challenges and advising them on a healing course […]