Keith Beasley

3 posts

Dr. Keith Beasley

North Wales Group

The former One Spirit Alliance local group in North Wales is no longer meeting. The board member with responsibility for local groups, Jacqui Nielsen, would like to hear from any full member of the Scientific and Medical Network who would be interested in reconstituting this group as an independent SMN […]

Online Courses

On-Line Courses

Essence of Knowing $197.00 From the Body Mind Institute What do you know? How do you know it? Bringing together consciousness studies, mystical experience and practical guidance, Dr. Keith Beasley introduces you to a unique and powerful insight into the nature and dynamic of knowing. Better understand–WHAT AND HOW YOU […]

Network Review Summer 2009

Issue No: 100 Editorial: Network Review 100 not out – David Lorimer Articles Crisis as Opportunity: Seizing the Moment for a new Renaissance – Oliver Robinson, John Clarke, David Lorimer Sustainability for the Next 50 Generations – Henryk Skolimowski Why Us? Dualism Resurgent – James Le Fanu You are Brilliant and the Earth is Hiring – Paul […]