
317 posts

Muni, Bhakti Vijnana, Dr

Towards a more Harmonious Concept through the Synthesis of Vedanta and Science

Dr. Bhaktivijnana Muni: Towards a more Harmonious Concept through the Synthesis of Vedanta and Science  Although Science and Technology have made great advances, we still lack comprehensive concepts about life. Biology has not been able to explain the concept of life. The frontiers of Science in the 21st century are […]

Shanta, Bhakti Niskama, Dr

Missing Persons: Has Science Taken the Wrong Turn?

Dr. Bhakti Niskama Shanta: Missing Persons: Has Science Taken the Wrong Turn? The tremendous accomplishment of mechanistic thinking have created a false conviction among scientists that the only types of causation pertinent to the scientific venture Aristotle’s material and efficient causes. Thus, modern civilisation tends to be about mechanical machines, […]


King, Ursula, PTL (Paris), MA (Delhi) PhD (London)

Ursula King STL (Paris), MA (Delhi) PhD (London), is Professor Emerita of Theology and Religious Studies and Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Bristol, England. Educated in Germany, France, India, and England, she has lectured all over the world, including India, China, Japan, South Korea […]

Keith Ward

Ward,Prof Keith, FBA

I have been an academic virtually all my working life, teaching philosophy, theology, and religious studies at various times. So I am an academic, with all the shortcomings that implies. I am interested in intellectual problems, in arguments and theories, and I largely depend on other people for finding out […]

Muni, Bhakti Vijnana, Dr

Muni, Bhakti Vijnana, Dr.

Dr. Bhakti Vijnana Muni is a sannyasi (Renounced Order) in the Gaudiya Vaishnava Tradition. At present he is serving as the President of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Institute. He received a PhD in Chemical Engineering in the year 2010 from the Indian Institute of Technology in Kharagapur. As an engineering student he […]

Shanta, Bhakti Niskama, Dr

Shanta, Bhakti Niskama, Dr.

During his doctoral studies Dr. Bhakti Niskama Shanta met his Spiritual Master His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Goswami Maharaja (Dr. T.D. Singh) and he thereby became inspired to carry out his future works on the most fundamental topics in science such as ‘Origin of Matter and Life’, ‘Origin of […]

Robots and Human Hands

Body Issues — Human and Robotic

  By Paul Kieniewicz Back in the 1960’s, the Polish Science Fiction writer, Stanisław Lem wrote a short story about robots. A rocket along with its calculator lands on an uninhabited  planet and subsequently spawns a race of robots. The robots (who call themselves Magnificans), build an entire city along […]

Diamonds from Heaven: A 20 year psychedelic journey

In this presentation I will share some of the boundaries crossed and lessons learned in my 20 year psychedelic journey reported in Diamonds from Heaven (forthcoming). Seventy-three high dose LSD sessions conducted between 1979-1999 became the philosophical adventure of a lifetime, but one I had to keep largely hidden from […]