
164 posts

Bell’s Theorem – Is Everything Predetermined?

Is quantum entanglement real? When two photons are created at the same time, and then separated over some distance, are they still mysteriously in touch with each other, so that what one photon does affects what the other photon does — instantaneously? The concept was first quantified by Bell in […]

László, Ervin, Dr.

Dr. Ervin László, Founder and President of The Club of Budapest, Director and Co-Founder of the Ervin Laszlo Institute for Advanced Study (ELIAS) and of the Laszlo New-Paradigm Leadership Center (Italy), Member of the Hungarian Academy of Science, Fellow of the World Academy of Arts and Sciences, Member of the […]

The Self Does Not Die: Verified Paranormal Phenomena from Near-Death Experiences by Titus Rivas (Author), Anny Dirven (Author), Rudolf Smit

Rivas,T, Dirven A and Smit, R ‘The Self Does Not Die: Verified Paranormal Phenomena from Near-Death Experiences’ – Science Supports the Reality of the Soul

The Self Does Not Die: Verified Paranormal Phenomena from Near-Death Experiences by Titus Rivas, Annie Dirven and Rudolf H. Smit Reviewed by Eben Alexander   True open-minded skepticism is our greatest ally in trying to better understand the mind-brain connection as it is revealed through the extraordinary lens of near-death experiences […]

The Truth about Cancer by Ty M. Bollinger

Bollinger, T.M ‘The Truth about Cancer’ Peat, P ‘ The Cancer Revolution – Integrative Medicine – the Future of Cancer Care: Your Guide to Integrating Complementary and Conventional Medicine’ – Beyond the Cancer Monopoly?

 The Truth about Cancer by Ty M. Bollinger  Reviewed by David Lorimer            The Cancer Revolution – Integrative Medicine – the Future of Cancer Care: Your Guide to Integrating Complementary and Conventional Medicine by Patricia Peat and 37 expert contributors Reviewed by David Lorimer   The debate about […]