
164 posts

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Bioelectricity – Nature’s Book of Instructions

One of the today’s unanswered questions in developmental biology, is what causes an organism to grow from an egg and acquire the form that it does. The study of how living forms develop and acquire their final shapes occupied much of Goethe’s life, and inspired his theory of forms.  Since […]

GM Corn

Differences found between GMO and non-GMO corn

A recent article published by Sustainable Food Trust on 22 December 2016 in Farming, points out significant compositional changes between non-GMO corn, and Roundup-resistant GMO corn. The study was led by Dr Michael Antoniou at King’s College London. The report states, In-depth analysis of types of proteins (“proteomics”) and small biochemical molecules (“metabolomics”) revealed major compositional differences […]

smart phone

Digital Dementia

How does digital technology change the way the brain works? Is digital technology making us smarter? Do children learn faster using computers? Neuroscientist and philosopher, Manfred Spitzer, argues in this TV interview that digital technology is dangerous to the developing brain, and should be banned in education. It can cause […]

Divine Eye

Cynthia Bourgeault – ‘Seeing With The Eyes Of The Heart’

The Reverend Cynthia Bourgeault is a modern day mystic, Episcopal priest and writer. She divides her time between solitude and traveling globally to teach and spread the recovery of the Christian Contemplative and Wisdom Path. Author of several books including, “Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening”, “Wisdom Jesus”, “The Meaning of […]

Dream of Nature

Evolution of the Brain, Consciousness and Lucid Dreaming – Rudolph Tanzi

Rudolph Tanzi discusses the evolution of the brain and consciousness, his research on the genetics of neurological disease aided by meditation and lucid dreaming. This interview is featured in the upcoming “Science and Nonduality Anthology Vol.5”.… Dr. Rudolph Tanzi is the Joseph P. and Rose F. Kennedy Professor of […]

Jupiter and Galilean Moons

Commission for Extended Science

Dear Friends and Colleagues Under the auspices of the Scientific and Medical Network ( and following the publication of a number of manifestos calling for a wider and deeper science, we are proposing to establish a Commission for Extended Science. You will see the rationale and remit of the Commission […]


Consciousness and Entropy

What is the relationship of consciousness to the neurological activity of the brain? Does the brain behave differently when a person is fully conscious, when they are asleep, or when they are undergoing an epileptic seizure? A recent study by R. Guevara Erra, D. M. Mateos, R. Wennberg, J.L. Perez Velazquez of the […]