Myself (Dr Anthony Fox) presenting “Controlling Infections Without Antibiotics”. The main point is here is that The NHS would do well to liase with The Russians and Eastern European Countries on “Phage Therapy” !
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This talk comprises a series of thought experiments that build through the windows of myth and archetype, Tibetan Buddhist thought and David […]
According to Mary Shelley the idea for her story came to her in a waking dream. In her waking dream, Victor Frankenstein appears as a man of titanic ambitions whose over weaning pride leads him to take on the mantle of being a god who will engineer a second creation and who then abandons what he has made because his creature does not fit his ideal. Her story is the tale of a dispassionate mind unhinged from nature that disregards the feminine in the work of creation. It is a prophetic tale, which, foreshadowing a type of thinking that characterises our scientific- technological worldview, endures in the cultural imagination of our time.
The object of the conference is to explore the link between health and spirituality, and well-being. What is the interplay here and how might this be encouraged? This will be explored though talks and open panel discussion with the speakers and guest panellists, Dr Natalie Tobert and Dr Dagmar Corry.
Daniel will look at the relation between science, business, healing and spirituality. He will do this through examining the nature of numbers, […]