
23 posts

No, machines will never be conscious!

Are we closer to understanding the nature of consciousness than we were twenty years ago? Ever since Chalmers posed ‘the hard problem’ of consciousness, of why sentient organisms have subjective experiences, the debate has gone in circles. Papers on the subject variously conclude, There really is a hard problem, there […]

female scientist working with lasers while doing research in a q

David Bohm – Back in Favour!

David Bohm, whose unique interpretation of quantum mechanics has been shunned for fifty years by most physicists, may now be back in favour thanks to a new experiment performed by Aephraim Steinberg of the University of Toronto. While most Network members are no doubt more familiar with David Bohm’s philosophical writings or […]

Glow Of The Mind

How Close is Science to Understanding Consciousness?

In a recent panel discussion hosted by Science and Non Duality (SAND), posted on youtube, several top scientists and explore their current understanding on the nature of consciousness. Participating were, Stuart R. Hameroff, MD, Director of the Center for Consciousness Studies Julia Mossbridge, Ph.D., Director of the Innovation lab at […]

World Climate about to Warm by 1 Degree

Editorial by Paul Kieniewicz, December 2015 According to sources at the UK Met Office, the world is officially about one degree warmer than in pre-industrial times. There is nothing magical about the one degree figure except that it is half the way to 2 degrees, regarded by many climatologists as […]

How Private are our Thoughts?

The nature of the human biological field (Biofield) and its relationship to the Earth’s field is a rapidly developing area of neuroscience research. Several recent studies of Michael Persinger and others at Laurentian University indicate that our thoughts may not be all that private after all. That we share our […]