
5 posts

Understanding C.G Jung’s Red Book – Part 3

This is the second part of Roger’s comprehensive review of Jung’s Red Book. Very sadly, Roger passed away shortly after writing this concluding part to his analysis of Jung’s work. His excellent series on the Red Book has proven to be among the most popular articles we have shared, a […]

We Are Not Alone, The Shamans Tell Us – Part 2

Continued from part 1 Reconnecting with Nature Effective education must have a large experiential component, I said. Given the current critical imbalance between humans and other species, nature should be a primary area of experiential education. We should balance the abstractions of our classrooms with experiences of the wholeness of […]

Understanding C.G. Jung’s Red Book – Part 2

 Roger Woolger continues his analysis of Jung’s Red Book, a landmark in the history of psychology and for philosophical thinking in Western Culture. The book is contains calligraphy and symbolic paintings provided by Jung himself. Anyone seriously interested in Jung needs to have a copy of this book. This is […]

Understanding C.G. Jung’s Little Red Book – Part 1

As Roger Woolger observes below, the appearance of Jung’s Red Book is not only a landmark in the history of psychology, but also in Western Culture. The book is exquisitely produced in a large format and contains beautiful calligraphy and symbolic paintings by Jung himself, the fruit of countless hours […]