past lives

2 posts


Is There Life After Death? moderated by John Cleese – 2018 Tom Tom Founders Festival

The University of Virginia’s Division of Perceptual Studies research portfolio includes investigating children who have memories of past lives; the nature of consciousness and the mind-body relationship; neuro-imaging studies of psi events; and individuals who report experiencing near-death experiences(NDEs). In this panel, the legendary actor, writer and comedian John Cleese, […]

Spiritual Emergency – the Transpersonal Path to Understanding and Supporting Psychospiritual Crisis

This paper explores varieties of spiritual emergency as a process of profound psychospiritual transformation. “I’ll be talking about myself! I’ll probably go mad after giving this paper.”1 This refrain went round and round in his head. The paper was on the ‘Importance of the Unconscious in Psychopathology’. The year was […]