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We are a group of internationally known scientists, from a variety of scientific fields (biology, neuroscience, psychology, medicine, psychiatry), who participated in an international summit on post-materialist science, spirituality and society. The summit was co-organized by Gary E. Schwartz, PhD and Mario Beauregard, PhD, the University of Arizona, and Lisa […]
TAM 2012 (James Randi Educational Foundation annual meeting, Las Vegas) …I was fortunate enough to find myself last week in Geneva, at CERN, the home of the Large Hadron Collider, watching the experimental physicists there announce the discovery of the Higgs Boson – or at least something very much like […]
A debate in the House of Lords, 27th November, 2014 Editor’s Note: The following exchange in the House of Lords, on the role of meditation, could not have taken place fifty or even twenty years ago. That it took place at all indicates the extent to which practice of meditation […]
Following a presentation by elephant researcher Lucy King at the 2015 Mystics and Scientists Conference, members raised £1459 towards the purchase of Bee Fences to protect at least two villages in Kenya from foraging elephants. Together with Gift Aid secured from Lord Andrew Stone, the total gift is £2,015 (matching […]
Michael B King1* and Harold G Koenig2 *Corresponding author: Michael B King [email protected] Author Affiliations 1Department of Mental Health Sciences, University College London Medical School, Royal Free Campus, Rowland Hill Street, London, UK 2Duke University Medical Center, Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710, USA For […]
It remains controversial to this day the precise point in the evolutionary chain leading from apes to modern man at which the first men, the primeval men, came into being on earth. The main reason for this controversy derives from the inability of the evolutionists to be able to formulate […]
According to modern pharmacology, there can be no biochemical basis for homeopathy because substances diluted out of existence should not have any effects, let alone therapeutic ones. So to practice or partake of homeopathy is tantamount to believing that nothing has the power to do something, i.e., homeopathy is magic. […]
The universe owes its existence, not to reality, (of which we know precious little), but to human imagination and mathematical equations. Only through the medium of conscious observation does the universe become a bona fide representation of itself, and even then, only through the eyes of the beholder. Imagine then, […]
Editorial – Bernard Carr Articles A New Era of Complexity for the 21st Century – the Interactionist Turn – Laurence Foss Humanity’s Increasing Effects on Earth’s Environments: The Anthropocene Epoc – Victor Gostin Philosophy Lives – a philosophical journey – Gareth Morgan Being Fully Human. Core Content for the Network? – […]