
317 posts

The Science of Dreaming – Interview with Kelley Bulkeley

Have you ever had a dream that was particularly memorable — one that shook you to the core; perhaps it marked a significant change in your life? Carl Gustav Jung referred to such dreams, that normally occur 2-3 times in a person’s life  as Big Dreams. Recently Kelley Bulkeley, dream […]

female scientist working with lasers while doing research in a q

David Bohm – Back in Favour!

David Bohm, whose unique interpretation of quantum mechanics has been shunned for fifty years by most physicists, may now be back in favour thanks to a new experiment performed by Aephraim Steinberg of the University of Toronto. While most Network members are no doubt more familiar with David Bohm’s philosophical writings or […]

How Could Concious Experiences Affect Brains?

Velmans, Max, Professor

Max Velmans is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Goldsmiths, University of London. He co-founded the Consciousness and Experiential Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society in 1994, and served as its chair from 2003 to 2006. He was appointed National Visiting Professor for 2010–2011 by the Indian Council of Philosophical Research, […]

Origin of Life, Evolution and Consciousness in The Light of The Law of Syntropy

Vannini, Antonella, Dr. PhD

Dr. Antonella Vannini is a practising psychotherapist and hypnotherapist with a PhD in cognitive psychology who has conducted experimental research on emotions and retrocausality. A Tai Chi instructor and expert in martial arts, Vannini is interested in the encounter between East and West. She is now exploring techniques to harmonise mind […]

Sheldrake, Rupert, Dr.

Rupert Sheldrake , a biologist and author, is best known for his hypothesis of morphic fields and morphic resonance, which leads to a vision of a living, developing universe with its own inherent memory. He worked in developmental biology at Cambridge University, where he was a Fellow of Clare College. […]


Trudi Sanderson was born in 1926 and trained as a nurse in her early twenties, spending a year in Czechoslovakia with the Red Cross in 1948. She was in Lambarene with Dr Albert Schweitzer for two 2–year periods in the 1950s, during which time she built and administered the leper village. […]

Development Through Adulthood: An Integrative Sourcebook

Robinson, Oliver PhD (Psychology)

Dr Oliver Robinson, PhD (Psychology) , is Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Greenwich. He is the author of Paths Between Head and Heart: The Seven Harmonies of Science and Spirituality as well as other books and co-editor of A New Renaissance: Transforming Science, Spirit and Society. He complements his intellectual […]

The Life Play

Poynton, John, Professor MSc PhD

Professor John Poynton, MSc, PhD  is a past President of the Society for Psychical Research where he continues to fulfil a variety of duties as Hon. Secretary as well as other important academic work elsewhere. In 1992 he received an Order of Merit in South Africa. His life-long interests are […]

Monk, Marilyn Professor Emeritus

Professor Marilyn Monk is a research scientist in the field of developmental biology who worked at the University of Edinburgh until 1974 and then for 30 years at the Institute of Child Health at University College London until retiring in 2004. She is Professor Emeritus in Molecular Embryology at the University […]

Tom McLeish

McLeish, Tom, Professor FRS

Tom McLeish FRS is Professor of Physics at Durham University. His scientific research over the last 25 years has contributed to the formation of the new field of ‘soft matter physics’ – interdisciplinary work with chemists, chemical engineers and biologists has sought to connect molecular structure and behaviour with emergent material […]