
164 posts

Baker, Norman, Rt Hon, PC, MP

Rt Hon Norman Baker PC was Minister of State at the Home Office with responsibility for regulating the use of animals in science. Mr Baker will be addressing the conference on what steps the Government can take to introduce a more compassionate approach to animal welfare. Bibliography The Strange Death […]

Schweitzer, Albert, Dr.

Albert Schweitzer (14 January 1875 – 4 September 1965) was a French-German theologian, organist, philosopher, and physician. He was born in the province of Alsace-Lorraine and although that region had been annexed by the German Empire four years earlier, and remained a German possession until 1918, he considered himself French and wrote […]

Rowland, Christopher, Professor

Professor Christopher Rowland.  In 1991, Dr Rowland was appointed Dean Ireland’s Professor of the Exegesis of Holy Scripture at the University of Oxford, a post that carries with it a fellowship at The Queen’s College, Oxford. He was appointed Canon Theologian of Liverpool Cathedral in 2005. Bibliography Blake and the Bible, 2011 […]

Read, Tim, Dr.

Dr Tim Read is a medical doctor, psychiatrist and psychotherapist based in London. He was Consultant Psychiatrist at the Royal London Hospital for 20 years. He has trained in psychoanalytic therapy (IGA) and in transpersonal therapy with Stanislav Grof. He is a certified facilitator of Holotropic Breathwork. Tim is co-founder […]

Death and the Human Animal

Here Mary Midgley, now in her 90s, reflects on the profound implications of attempting to abolish death. The more one thinks it through, the less desirable the prospect seems. An earlier version of this article appeared in Philosophy Now, March-April 2012 Till lately, people discussing death didn’t have to consider […]

Geraghty, Anne

Anne Geraghty has worked as a Clinical Psychologist with R D Laing, and as a psychotherapist, group facilitator and spiritual-therapist all over the world on the dynamics of love in families and relationships. After a lifetime exploring the mysteries of the human condition, her journey into death when her son died […]

Consciousness and the Double Slit Experiment

At the recent  Science of Consciousness conference held in Tucson, Arizona, Dean Radin delivered a talk that summarized more than ten years of research on the influence of the mind on a quantum level. He explained that not only are his positive results with the double-slit experiment statistically robust, but […]