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Causal influences in the real world occurring on evolutionary, developmental, and functional timescales are characterised by a combination of bottom up and top down effects. Digital computers give very clear examplars of how this happens, and it is crucial to brain functioning. There are five different distinct classes of top down effects, the key one leading to the existence of complex systems being adaptive selection. The case will be made that while bottom-up self-assembly can attain a certain degree of complexity, truly complex systems such as life can only come into being if top-down processes come into play in addition to bottom up processes. They allow genuine emergence to occur, based in multiple realisability at lower levels of higher level structures and functions.
The 2013 conference panel discussion A day conference with Dr Erlendur Haraldsson, professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Iceland and […]
Mystics of various religious and spiritual traditions have, on occasion, described a mystical realization that the entire universe is conscious. In this talk, I will describe some novel parapsychological studies that may shed light on the question of whether consciousness constitutes an irreducible and core constituent of the universe.
Over the past three decades, the victim movement worldwide has agitated for an enhanced role for victims in the criminal justice system. Despite some progress towards that goal, structural as well as political factors may mean that victims have won as much as they are likely to gain from conventional justice processing.