Richard Irwin
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In his book, ‘The Grand Design’, Stephen Hawking says that ‘philosophy is dead’, and that ‘we have no need of a God […]
Spirituality has been defined by many as the pursuit of particular kinds of feeling. This talk will present a way of understanding spiritual emotions by categorising them into a set of five types, and then exploring what all five have in common
Causal influences in the real world occurring on evolutionary, developmental, and functional timescales are characterised by a combination of bottom up and top down effects. Digital computers give very clear examplars of how this happens, and it is crucial to brain functioning. There are five different distinct classes of top down effects, the key one leading to the existence of complex systems being adaptive selection. The case will be made that while bottom-up self-assembly can attain a certain degree of complexity, truly complex systems such as life can only come into being if top-down processes come into play in addition to bottom up processes. They allow genuine emergence to occur, based in multiple realisability at lower levels of higher level structures and functions.
Presented by Dr. Angelika Maria Koch (DNM LCH HNHIr) the comprehensive course Thriving With Homeopathy, facilitates everyone interested in living optimal health, present and future health care practitioners, caretakers as well as nurses with an in-depth understanding of homeopathy, its philosophy, and practical application. Next to the main subject homeopathy, the student also will be introduced to the interrelationship between the Mind, Body, and Soul with their intricate communication channels and unlimited potentialities.