Institute of Noetic Sciences

5 posts
  • Consciousness and the Double Slit Experiment
    At the recent  Science of Consciousness conference held in Tucson, Arizona, Dean Radin delivered a talk that summarized more than ten years of research on the influence of the mind on a quantum level. He explained that not only are his positive results with the double-slit experiment statistically robust, but they have been replicated by ...
  • Dean Radin – The Future of Consciousness Research
    In a recent talk to IONS, just posted on youtube, Dean Radin, a researcher known best for his work in parapsychology speculates on the future of consciousness research. Today new techniques are available for expanding our consciousness, not only new drugs but electromagnetic devices that affect the brain’s activity; enhance a person’s paranormal abilities. Are ...
  • Further Reaches of Consciousness Research
    “I regard consciousness as fundamental, matter is derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” – Max Planck Consciousness is one of the hottest topics in science, which is why we established the interdisciplinary Beyond the Brain conference series with Willis Harman and ...
  • Mitchell, Edgar Dr.
    Dr. Edgar Mitchell (1930-2016) was a United States Navy officer and aviator, test pilot, aeronautical engineer, ufologist and NASA astronaut. He was the sixth man on the moon and Founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Bibliography The Way of the Explorer: An Apollo Astronaut’s Journey Through the Material and Mystical Worlds (1996), G. Putnam & Sons, hardcover, ISBN 0-399-14161-8, 2008 paperback edition: ISBN 1-56414-977-3 Psychic Exploration: ...
  • The Future of Consciousness Research – Dr. Cassandra Vieten
    Decades of research have examined anomalies which challenge a one-way street interpretation of the nature of reality (in which matter gives rise to consciousness), in favour of a more subtle, conditional, and contingent interplay between the material and immaterial aspects of existence. But how shall we bridge between the past and the future of consciousness ...
Glow Of The Mind

Further Reaches of Consciousness Research

“I regard consciousness as fundamental, matter is derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” – Max Planck Consciousness is one of the hottest topics in science, which is why we established the interdisciplinary Beyond the Brain […]

Cassandra Vieten PhD

The Future of Consciousness Research – Dr. Cassandra Vieten

Decades of research have examined anomalies which challenge a one-way street interpretation of the nature of reality (in which matter gives rise to consciousness), in favour of a more subtle, conditional, and contingent interplay between the material and immaterial aspects of existence. But how shall we bridge between the past […]

First View of Earth from Moon

Mitchell, Edgar Dr.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell (1930-2016) was a United States Navy officer and aviator, test pilot, aeronautical engineer, ufologist and NASA astronaut. He was the sixth man on the moon and Founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Bibliography The Way of the Explorer: An Apollo Astronaut’s Journey Through the Material and Mystical Worlds (1996), G. Putnam & Sons, hardcover, ISBN […]

Consciousness and the Double Slit Experiment

At the recent  Science of Consciousness conference held in Tucson, Arizona, Dean Radin delivered a talk that summarized more than ten years of research on the influence of the mind on a quantum level. He explained that not only are his positive results with the double-slit experiment statistically robust, but […]

Aetheric Art

Dean Radin – The Future of Consciousness Research

In a recent talk to IONS, just posted on youtube, Dean Radin, a researcher known best for his work in parapsychology speculates on the future of consciousness research. Today new techniques are available for expanding our consciousness, not only new drugs but electromagnetic devices that affect the brain’s activity; enhance […]