The Quest for Harmony: A unifying principle in spirituality, science, sustainability and healthcare

November 17, 2018, Canterbury Cathedral Precinct, CT1 2EH
Scientific and Medical Network
The Temenos Academy
The Resurgence Trust
The College of Medicine
The Health and Wellbeing Trust
The Sustainable Food Trust
Prof Keith Critchlow (film), Dr Rosy Daniel, Richard Dunne, Patrick Holden CBE, Dr Tony Juniper CBE, Satish Kumar, David Lorimer, Ian Skelly, David Wilson LVO
Sponsored by Charbonnel et Walker
The 70th birthday of HRH the Prince of Wales provides an occasion to review and celebrate his lifetime of inclusive visionary idealism expressed in practical projects across fields too numerous to consider in a single day. The conference will be based on the fundamental spiritual principle of harmony underpinning his philosophy and articulated in his 2010 book, Harmony. Our speakers will consider this principle in relation to sacred geometry and architecture, sustainability and forests, agriculture and gardening, health and medicine, and education – all areas where the Prince has made significant contributions. At this watershed moment in human history it is no exaggeration to say that we are heading for a systemic breakdown if we do not apply these principles of harmony across the board: our future depends on it. Please join us for this unique celebratory event!
9:30 Registration
10:00 Introductory Overview – David Lorimer
10:15 The Temenos Academy: Harmony – Creating Cohesive Spaces and Communities from Nature’s Geometry – Prof Keith Critchlow (film), Ian Skelly
Most of the Prince’s ground-breaking and effective initiatives are rooted in his understanding of the integrated way in which Nature operates. Nature’s patterns and processes underpin his well known support for a healthier and more sustainable form of food production, but they also inform his attempts to demonstrate a far more integrated approach to urban design and his many initiatives to heal the fragmentation suffered by many communities in urban and rural situations. Much of his understanding of this approach comes from his longstanding support for the Temenos Academy, of which he is Patron. It was founded by the late Kathleen Raine, along with Professor Keith Critchlow who, with HRH, went on to establish the Prince’s School of Traditional Arts. Ian Skelly will explain a little of the Academy’s work, the importance it places on the spiritual element in the arts and demonstrate examples of how the Prince has employed the teaching of the Academy speaks in so many important and practical ways. He will then introduce a short filmed interview with Keith Critchlow whose work has been such an important inspiration to the Prince of Wales.
11:20 Coffee
11:50 Resurgence Trust: Harmony and a Regenerative Future
Satish Kumar: The Prince’s Perspective on an Eco Paradigm
Dr Tony Juniper: From Despair and Decline to the Restoration of Hope – how the idea of Harmony can help us to recover Nature’s health
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Sustainable Food Trust: The Future of Food and Farming
Patrick Holden: Healthy Food in Harmony with Nature
David Wilson: Agriculture in Harmony with Nature
15:15 Evensong in Canterbury Cathedral
16:15 Tea
16:45 Health and Wellbeing Trust: Harmony, Healing and Integrated Healthcare – Dr Rosy Daniel
In his book ‘Harmony’ HRH the Prince of Wales states that ‘Harmony is a blueprint for a more balanced sustainable world which the human race must create to survive.’ This could not be more true or more urgent now in the field of human health. Immense steps are being taken within the ecological movement to protect our land, oceans, wildlife, atmosphere and natural resources but where is the equivalent effort to protect and ensure the survival of our people? With lifetime cancer risk about to rise to 1 in 2; heart disease affecting 1 in 2; Type 2 diabetes 1 in 5; and obesity 1 in 5; how much more evident could the impact of our behaviour and lifestyles on our health and economy be? How much more clearly do we need to see the effects of our greed, addictions and lack of self-care reflected back to us, and how much longer can we allow ourselves to succumb passively to the power of the marketeers within the food, tobacco, alcohol, gambling, pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries that put shareholder profit before human health and wellbeing?
Dr Margaret Chan, Medical Director of the World Health Organisation until 2017 described the catastrophic rise of lifestyle illnesses as ‘An impending social and economic disaster threatening the solvency of even the wealthiest health care systems’ and yet governments focus relentlessly on medicine rather than health. Dr Chan stresses that the effects of these illnesses are even worse in developing countries, where our destructive Western health habits are adopted without any resources to deal with the ensuing health nightmares.
And yet with the simplest of shifts in our individual health-defining behaviour and in the health-defining cultures our organisations we have concrete evidence that we can achieve both primary and secondary prevention of illness, whilst generating productivity and uplifting our hearts and souls to enjoy the full-potential living, love and inclusion that is our birthright. Let us work together now to ‘green the people,’ bringing ourselves into harmonious ‘right relationship’ with ourselves, each other and life itself in the greatest challenge to conscious living that mankind has ever faced.
17:30 Applying the Principles of Harmony to Learning – Richard Dunne
18:00 Concluding remarks
18:15 Optional closing wine reception
SPONSOR – Charbonnel et Walker
Charbonnel et Walker is Britain’s first luxury chocolatier, established in 1875. In that year, King Edward VII (then Prince of Wales) encouraged Mme Charbonnel to leave the chocolate house of Maison Boissier in Paris. He asked her to join Mrs Walker to establish a fine confectionery house on London’s Bond Street. The original shop opened at 173 New Bond Street in Mayfair and has remained on Bond Street ever since. It is housed in one of London’s most elegant arcades, the Royal Arcade on Old Bond Street. Charbonnel et Walker are Royal Warrant holders and have been given this personal mark of recognition as tradesmen who regularly supply goods or service
to Her Majesty The Queen.
TRAVEL – there are fast trains (56 mins) from London St Pancras to Canterbury West.
Scientific and Medical Network
The Scientific and Medical Network was founded in 1973 by George Blaker, Dr. Patrick Shackleton, Dr. Peter Leggett and Sir Kelvin Spencer. The founders believed that neither orthodox religion nor conventional science was sufficient to answer pressing questions about human existence and the cosmos, and that new ways of thinking were needed.
The Network provides interdisciplinary education exploring the frontiers of science, consciousness and spirituality. It draws on a worldwide community of scientists, doctors, psychologists, engineers, philosophers and theologians to provide events, publications, and courses that link insights from the spiritual traditions and the arts, with the study and application of science and medicine.
The Network assumes that there are many ways of knowing the world and ourselves, of which science is just one, albeit one highly effective and reliable, way of gaining knowledge. In order to do justice to the full spectrum of human experience and the complexity of the cosmos, it encourages dialogue and interaction between the spiritual, the scientific, the philosophical and the arts in open-minded enquiry.
The Resurgence Trust
The Resurgence Trust is a UK-based educational charity that has become the flagship voice of the environmental movement across the globe. Our mission is to inspire each other to help make a difference and find positive solutions to the global challenges we now face. To do this, we publish Resurgence & Ecologist Magazine, run The Ecologist website and host regular events – not just to share our collective concerns about climate change, social justice and ethical living but to find solutions.
The magazine, two websites and our events provide a forum for information and debate on key environmental and social issues across the globe. The Resurgence Trust was created in 2006 in recognition of the contribution made by Resurgence magazine to environmental education. The magazine has been in publication since 1966, and is now celebrating 50 years at the forefront of environmental publishing
The Temenos Academy
The Temenos Academy is a charity which offers education in philosophy and the arts in the light of the sacred traditions of East and West. The Greek word ‘temenos’ means ‘a sacred precinct’. HRH The Prince of Wales is the Patron of the Temenos Academy.
Founded in 1990, the Academy developed from the journal Temenos, edited by Keith Critchlow (architect and geometer), Brian Keeble (publisher and writer), Kathleen Raine (poet and literary scholar) and Philip Sherrard (theologian and Hellenist). Each year the Academy hosts up to 100 lectures and seminars, study days, occasional film screenings and readings. These range from large public events to small study groups. It also runs a Foundation Course in the Perennial Philosophy, a one or two-year part-time diploma course.
The Academy publishes a journal, the Temenos Academy Review and funds the Thetis Blacker Temenos Batik Scholarship, a biennial award for artists in batik. Its Temenos Academy Young Scholars scheme encourages young people to write essays on subjects drawn from the humanities which emulate the principles that inspire its work.
The College of Medicine and Integrated Health
The College of Medicine is an educational and membership organisation for healthcare professionals, therapists, patients and carers who are looking for non biomedical solutions to improve their health and wellbeing.
The College represents the next stage in postmodern medicine. Medicine that goes beyond conventional pills and procedures, which encourages and enables patients and communities to be agents of their own healing and health and which restores compassion and whole person medicine. It is medicine that emphasises the importance of healthy food and activities, which recognises the healing potential of our physical and social environment. Above all the College’s message is hope – for patients and for clinicians, who want more enjoyable and fulfilling careers and to be able to do the best for their patients and communities.
The Health and Wellbeing Trust
The Health and Wellbeing Trust aims to support the public and healthcare professionals to engage in sustainable healthcare solutions for the 21st century.
At this time of rising lifestyle illness, ageing population and increasing medical costs, it is vital that people and their practitioners work together to find empowering healthcare approaches, effective self-help and healthy lifestyles that can reverse and prevent the growing problems of heart disease, obesity, cancer, arthritis and diabetes, stress, anxiety, depression, fatigue and disruption of our hormones and digestive systems. HWT provides inspiring education and up to the minute information from international thought leaders and researchers in integrative medicine (IM), mind-body science and holistic self-help. Through our Health-e-Learning and Health-e-Information platforms you can gain access to the talks, courses, trainings and services of the pioneers of the new paradigm of regenerative healthcare and promoters of full-potential, whole-hearted living.
The Sustainable Food Trust
The Sustainable Food Trust is a registered charity that was founded by Patrick Holden in 2011 in response to the worsening human and environmental crises that are associated with the vast majority of today’s food and farming systems.
Our vision is for food and farming systems which nourish the health of the planet and its people.
Our mission is to accelerate the transition to more sustainable food and farming systems.
To achieve this, we work catalytically on a global scale to influence and enhance the work of other organisations, rather than replicating existing initiatives. Our work is informed by the belief that policymakers, businesses and civil society organisations will be empowered to act when there is sufficient pressure from informed public opinion. Therefore, we work at many levels ranging from that of senior policymakers to consumer groups and individual consumers, and we ensure the information and policy direction we provide is grounded in good science.
The combination of our practitioner experience and large network of influential global contacts sets us apart from other food and environmental organisations.
Richard Dunne is head teacher of Ashley CofE Primary School in Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, an Ofsted graded ‘Outstanding School’. The school has over 500 children aged 4-11 and it teaches through enquiries of learning, big questions that provide the focus for each half-term’s learning. The children play a lead role in running the school’s sustainability projects from monitoring the school’s energy to measuring water and food waste every lunchtime to growing organic fruit and veg in the school grounds and looking after the bees. More recently, Richard has established a set of Harmony principles inspired by the Prince of Wales’s book ‘Harmony, a New Way of Looking at the World’ that references how principles of Nature can guide all learning. This work is now being shared widely in schools and teacher training colleges in the UK and around the world.
Professor Keith Critchlow is a world-renowned expert on sacred architecture who is President Emeritus of the Temenos Academy. He has taught at the Royal College of Art, was the Founder and Director of the Visual and Islamic Arts Department of The Prince’s School of Architecture and is Professor Emeritus at The Prince’s School of Traditional Arts. His publications include Order in Space (1969; re-published, 2000); Islamic Patterns: An Analytical and Cosmological Approach (1976; re-published, 1999); Time Stands Still: New Light on Megalithic Science (1979; revised edition, 2007); The Hidden Geometry of Flowers (2011); and Golden Meaning – An Introduction (2014). He is President Emeritus and a Fellow of the Temenos Academy. As an architect he has designed the Krishnamurti Study Centre (Brockwood Park, Hampshire), the Lindisfarne Chapel (Crestone, Colorado), the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences (Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh) and two contemporary sacred buildings for the Memnosyne Institute (Dallas, Texas).
Dr Rosy Daniel is a doctor, author and teacher working ‘to make health not illness the norm within society’. Her health coaching and consultancy organisation works ‘to change our focus ‘from passive healthcare to proactive health creation’. Her charity, the Health and Wellbeing Trust, works to promote integrative healthcare education and information through its ‘British College of Integrative Medicine.’ Rosy has been a passionate advocate of natural healthcare, yoga and spiritual healing since 1985 and she is proud to be Patron of the British Wheel of Yoga; the Healing Trust and former Medical Director of the Bristol Cancer Help Centre (now Penny Brohn UK) where she worked with the highly supportive patronage of HRH the Prince of Wales until 2000. Her medical practice is based in Bath where she guides the regeneration of positive health for those with cancer, heart disease, diabetes, depression, obesity, arthritis and stress-related illness. In 2015 she received the international ‘Earth Champions Award’ for her ‘outstanding contribution to health and wellbeing’ because she included environmental factors in her health creation model; and in 2016 she received a ‘Woman of Spirit’ award from Dadi Janki, leader of the Brahma Kumaris for her recognition of the vital role of spirit in healthcare, health and wellbeing.
Dr. Tony Juniper CBE is the Executive Director for Advocacy and Campaigns at WWF-UK. He began his career as an ornithologist, working with Birdlife International. In 1990 he began a long period working at Friends of the Earth, initially leading the campaign for the tropical rainforests and in 2003 becoming Executive Director. Juniper is the author of many books, including the multi-award winning 2013 best-seller What has Nature ever done for us? His latest book, Rainforest – dispatches from Earth’s most vital frontlines, was published in April 2018. Juniper was the first recipient of the Charles and Miriam Rothschild conservation medal (2009) and was awarded honorary Doctor of Science degrees from the Universities of Bristol and Plymouth (2013). In 2017 he was appointed Commander of the British Empire (CBE) for services to conservation. On joining WWF in January 2018 Juniper remained a Fellow with the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership and President of the Wildlife Trusts.
Patrick Holden CBE is the Founding Director and Chief Executive of the Sustainable Food Trust. After studying biodynamic agriculture at Emerson College, he established a mixed community farm in Wales in 1973, producing at various times: wheat for flour production sold locally, carrots and milk from an 85 cow Ayrshire dairy herd, now made into a single farm cheddar style cheese. He was the founding chairman of British Organic Farmers in 1982, before joining the Soil Association, where he worked for nearly 20 years and during which time the organisation led the development of organic standards and the market for organic foods. His advocacy for a major global transition to more sustainable food systems now entails international travel and regular broadcasts and talks at public events.He is Patron of the UK Biodynamic Association and was awarded the CBE for services to organic farming in 2005.
Satish Kumar was the Editor-in-Chief of Resurgence (now with the Ecologist) Magazine for 43 years and was the Founder of Schumacher College in Dartington. At nine years of age, Satish renounced the world and joined the brotherhood of Jain monks. At the age of eighteen, he left the monastic order and became a campaigner working to turn Gandhi’s vision of a peaceful world into reality. He undertook an 8,000-mile peace pilgrimage, walking without any money, to deliver packets of ‘peace tea’ to the leaders of the four nuclear powers. Satish is the author of five books. His autobiography, No Destination, first published by Green Books in 1978, has sold over 50,000 copies.
David Lorimer is Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network, and former President of Wrekin Trust and the Swedenborg Society. He is the founder of the Inspiring Purpose Values Programme (, which has reached over 300,000 young people. He is editor of Thinking Beyond the Brain, Science, Consciousness and Ultimate Reality and co-editor of A New Renaissance. He is also the author of Radical Prince – The Practical Vision of the Prince of Wales and co-author of The Protein Crunch: Civilisation on the Brink.
Ian Skelly is a broadcaster and writer who is also Chair of the Temenos Academy. He presents the daily morning show, Essential Classics, on BBC Radio 3, the BBC’s national radio station dedicated to classical music and the arts. He has been a familiar voice on the station for over 20 years. He presents live concerts on stage from all the major UK venues and works regularly with the BBC’s Orchestras and performing groups, especially so at the Royal Albert Hall during the Summer when he helps to present the 90 concerts Radio 3 broadcasts live from the BBC Proms. Ian has worked with HRH The Prince of Wales to articulate the detail of the Prince’s ideas in nearly all of his keynote speeches and television appearances in the last two decades. In 2010 Ian was a co-author of the Prince’s book Harmony along with Tony Juniper. Ian also acted as executive producer on the documentary film presented by the Prince also called Harmony broadcast in the USA by NBC Television and subsequently screened in cinemas in the States. He has lectured on the Prince’s vision in London and throughout the UK as well as at Yale and Maryland Universities in the USA and at McGill University in Montreal. He has made many films about the Prince’s charities which have included exclusive interviews between Ian and the Prince on the Balmoral Estate in Scotland.
David Wilson, LVO, has been Farm Manager at the Duchy Home Farm at Highgrove since it was established in 1985. The farm, comprising 1,900 acres of organically managed land, is used to demonstrate sustainable production methods both as a commercial working farm and through a number of research projects. David served on the Soil Association Council from 1999 to 2005 and was made Honorary Life Member. He is Branch Chairman of Tetbury NFU and a member of the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust Farming Committee. David is also an ex Trustee of the Organic Research Centre and a past Committee member on the Royal Agricultural University School of Agriculture Advisory Board.