Local Groups

42 posts
  • Alfred Russel Wallace – a talk by Dr Howard Jones
    On 14 May 2015 Dr Howard Jones lectured on Alfred Russel Wallace at Lampeter. Wallace was born into a humble family, in Monmouthshire, and was largely self-educated. He became a man of many skills and many interests, which in the 1840s extended to include spiritualism. Lamarck’s ideas were relatively new, and in the absence of knowledge ...
  • Bristol Group
    The Bristol Group continues its regular meetings on the second Wednesday of the month at Sally Lawson`s starting at 8 pm prompt and ending at 10 pm. The format is one based on dialogue, starting the process with a 5 minute meditation. The results are inevitably rewarding and delightfully participatory. Typically about a dozen individuals ...
  • Cambridge Group
    The Cambridge Group used to meet from 6.40 for 7pm start, as a rule on the second Thursday of alternate months (Jan/Mar/May/Jul/Sep/Nov), in Hazel Guest’s flat, 44, Beaufort Place, Thompson’s Lane, Cambridge CB5 8AG. A member or a guest speaker would present a topic and then the meeting was opened to discussion, ending at 9pm. ...
  • Electromagnetic interpretation of a hands-on healing encounter – a lecture by Richard Blacklaw-Jones
    Richard Blacklaw-Jones lectures at Lampeter on his electromagnetic interpretation of the hands-on healing encounter Richard Blacklaw-Jones lectured at Lampeter on 21 April 2015 on the topic of the electromagnetic nature of the therapeutic encounter. He began with the physical cosmos, within which fields, extending out to infinity, set the scene of our life, and, within it, ...
  • Grampian Group
    The Grampian Group is the local group in Scotland that covers North Aberdeenshire, South Aberdeenshire and Moray. Forthcoming Meetings Local Groups are autonomous groups of members and their guests, meeting together for lectures and discussions. They are not a formal part of the Scientific and Medical Network (SMN). Please complete the following form to request membership of the ...
  • Guildford Group
    At the Network, we are continually looking for the best ways to develop online interaction about SMN topics, resources and events. The internet is still evolving so fast that each year new opportunities present themselves, and we attempt to adapt accordingly. We are aware that Facebook is increasingly providing an important environment for social interaction ...
  • Kent Group
    The Kent Group continues its monthly meetings in Rochester. Any members wishing to find out more contact our local co-ordinator, Yvonne Louis (01634 614100). Forthcoming Meetings Local Groups are autonomous groups of members and their guests, meeting together for lectures and discussions. They are not a formal part of the Scientific and Medical Network (SMN). Please complete the following form ...
  • Lampeter and West Wales Group
    Co-ordinator: Eric Franklin Events are free of charge. Meanwhile, you can contact the convenor direct using the form below Click here to apply for SMN membership Meeting Reports    
  • Local Groups
    The Scientific and Medical Network is dedicated to the sharing of ideas in the fields of science, spirituality and consciousness. Our priority has always been to encourage the networking of minds so that advances in our core subject areas happen faster and are shared further. To these ends, we seek to provide unique platforms for ...
  • London Group
    Welcome to the London Group page of the SMN. Until further notice, all meetings are being held online.   A list of past events can be found here and meeting reports here. Forthcoming Meetings Please complete the following form for further information or to request membership of the London Group Click here to apply for SMN membership By joining the London Group ...
  • London Group – Forthcoming Events
    A list of past events can be found here and meeting reports here. Please complete the following form to request membership of the London Group Click here to apply for SMN membership
  • London Group – Meeting Reports
    A list of past events can be found here and the upcoming events here. February 2021 Parallel Universes: Can we Model them Theoretically and explore them Experimentally? Speaker Dr. Simon Duan came from China to the UK to study in the ’80s.  After receiving a PhD in Materials Science from Cambridge University, he worked for many years in research and ...
  • London Group – Meeting Reports 1997
    September 1997 RUPERT KINGLAKE TOWER writes: The North London Group held a meeting at the house of Baroness Edmee di Pauli on 24 September. Owing to an administrative mix-up we were bereft of our planned speaker that evening, which allowed for spontaneity and discussion of various interest topics ranging across the power of mind, the influence ...
  • London Group – Meeting Reports 1998
    November 1998 RUPERT KINGLAKE TOWER writes: The group met on the 26th November at the home of BARONESS EDMEE DI PAULI and heard a dynamic and stimulating lecture by PROF. DR DAVID SCHWEITZER about his recent successful work in photographing thoughts impregnated in water. DrSchweitzer argues that water can act as a liquid memory or tape ...
  • London Group – Meeting Reports 1999
    December 1999 RUPERT TOWER writes: On August 1st GEORG FEUERSTEIN gave an illuminating overview of the essentials of yoga, and chose to focus on Hatha-Yoga, meaning ‘force’ or ‘forceful’ yoga. This is the form of yoga best known in the West, though its deeper spiritual and philosophical foundations are rarely understood. It is widely reduced to ...
  • London Group – Meeting Reports 2000
    December 2000 Rupert writes: PHILLIP BEACH gave a compelling talk at our July meeting about how he has synthesized the Eastern discipline of Acupuncture within his own work in Western Osteopathy. For two thousand years the Chinese have utilised fourteen meridian lines in ancient acupuncture based on touch and the terrain of the body, whereas these ...
  • London Group – Meeting Reports 2001
    April 2001 Rupert writes: Regrettably, Geoff Boltwood had to cancel our February 21st meeting at the last minute for personal reasons. He hopes to be able to re-schedule in the near future. However, Peter Fenwick gave a thrilling talk to a large gathering of members on March 21st entitled ‘Does the Near Death Experience (NDE) Prove ...
  • London Group – Meeting Reports 2002
    London Group - Meeting Reports 2002
  • London Group – Meeting Reports 2003
    November 2003 Radical Prince: the Integral Vision of HRH the Price of Wales November 14th Our very own David Lorimer, Programme Director of the Network, gav e the presentation in this month’s meeting and talked about his new book. David started by giving us an overview of his he came to have this idea whilst driving down the ...
  • London Group – Meeting Reports 2004
    December 2004 The Fascinating World of Subliminal Mind In December, Serena Roney-Dougal PhD who is an author and lecturer in Parapsychology, started us off by placing the concept of subliminal mind in context within Western Culture. We looked first at conscious perceptions and then to that which is above the recognition threshold – the pre-conscious – and ...
  • London Group – Meeting Reports 2005
    November 2005 From Global Crisis to a New Civilization In November, we heard from Hardin Tibbs, a management consultant who specialises in long term thinking, strategy development and scenario planning. Hardin helps corporations think, prepare and plan for the future considering technological trends and innovations in the context of the bigger picture, which necessarily includes the environment, ...
  • London Group – Meeting Reports 2006
    November 2006 Who has free will? How does it work? In November Dr. Chris Nunn spoke about free will. Chris is a retired psychiatrist and an assistant editor of the Journal of Consciousness Studies. He recently launched his latest book De La Mettrie’s Ghost: the Story of Decisions, in which he examines the question of free will ...
  • London Group – Meeting Reports 2007
    November 2007 The Valley Spirit – an Introduction to the Tao Te Ching Shantena Sabbadini is an associate director of the Pari Center for New Learning in Italy, and a physicist who worked on the foundations of quantum physics. He has a deep interest in mystical traditions, especially Chinese, and has co-authored an innovative translation of the ...
  • London Group – Meeting Reports 2008
    November 2008 The Blissful Brain: Neuroscience and Proof of the Power of Meditation Dr Shanida Nataraja has a PhD in Neurophysiology from University College London and in her talk, explained what goes on in the brain when we meditate as well as the physical, mental and psychological effects of meditation. Up until recently, meditation was associated mainly ...
  • London Group – Meeting Reports 2009
    November 2009 (2) Blackfoot Worldview and its Quantum Implications Prof Leroy Little Bear from the Blackfoot Confederacy was an invited speaker at our SMN conference on the Legacy of David Bohm. Leroy founded the Native American Studies Dept of the University of Lethbridge. He met David Bohm and had many conversations with him in which they explored ...
  • London Group – Meeting Reports 2010
    November 2010 The Ghosts of Kusnacht: Jung and the Dead Gary Lachman, is a prolific author who writes on the themes of consciousness, culture and western esoteric tradition. This evening he spoke about a particular aspect of his latest book Jung the Mystic: The Esoteric Dimensions of Carl Jung’s Life and Teachings, Jung’s interest in death. It ...
  • London Group – Meeting Reports 2011
    November 2011 Life Reflects Music: Music Echoes Life The key signature of Edi’s talk was Beethoven’s famous affirmation ‘music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life’. In acting as mediator we were shown how the inexpressible content of music and of life reflect and echo each other: so to study music is to learn ...
  • London Group – Meeting Reports 2012
    November 2012 Madame Blavatsky: The Mother of Modern Spirituality In November we heard Gary Lachman, who has spoken to the group before. Gary is a prolific author who writes on the meeting ground between consciousness, culture and the Western Esoteric traditions and this evening he spoke about his new book. Blavatski was born in the Ukraine in ...
  • London Group – Meeting Reports 2013
    December 2013 Mid-winter Celebration In December, we came together in a spirit of sharing, to celebrate mid-winter. Each person in the group shared something that was meaningful to them, some said poems, others talked about their experiences, and others about the meaning of this moment in the year. We listened, talked and were moved by each other! ...
  • London Group – Meeting Reports 2014
    December 2014 Implications of the Social Brain Hypothesis: Integrated Indigineous Wisdom and Neuroscience In December we hosted Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona, a GP, geriatrician, psychiatrist and neuropsychologist, currently the Executive Director of Coyote Institute in Maine, USA, an organisation whose purpose is to bring the wisdom of indigenous cultures into contemporary medical practice. Lewis is himself the son ...
  • London Group – Meeting Reports 2015
    November 2015 Top Down Causation in Complex Systems like the Brain In November we hosted Prof George Ellis, Distinguished Professor of Complex Systems at the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at the University of Cape Town in South Africa. George is the author of 12 books, one of them with Stephen Hawkins (The Large Scale Structure ...
  • London Group – Meeting Reports 2016
    November 2016 Atheist Spirituality The November presentation was given by Geoff Crocker, who has a career in business strategy working with international corporations, and who, following a re-evaluation of his relationship with the Anglican Church, developed a model of spirituality which he calls Atheist Spirituality. He is the author of An Enlightened Philosophy: Can and Atheist Believe Anything? ...
  • London Group – Past Events
    Click here for forthcoming events and meeting reports here.   London Group Meetings 2013 London Group Meetings 2012 London Group Meetings 2011 London Group Meetings 2010 London Group Meetings 2009 London Group Meetings 2008 London Group Meetings 2007 London Group Meetings 2006 London Group Meetings 2005 London Group Meetings 2004 London Group Meetings 2003
  • London Group 02-2017 – Science, Religion and the future of the Afterlife
    This month we heard Dr. Peter Moore, an academic who back in 1972 pioneered the new area of Religious Studies at University of Kent, and later introduced an MA in the Study of Mysticism and Religious Experience at the same university with the late Leon Schlamm. Peter started by stating that our ideas of the afterlife are ...
  • London Group 03-2017 – Experiences of Angels – Intimation of Ultimate Reality?
    MARIANNE RANKIN, is  the Communications Director of the Alister Hardy Society and she started by telling us that she has had in the past reservations about the existence of angels, and only when she was asked to look into this subject for a conference, did the topic come alive for her. She found that a ...
  • London Group 04-2017 – In-Formation at the Centre of Creation: consciousness, causality and coherence
    Our speaker for this meeting, DR. JUDE CURRIVAN is a cosmologist, as well as a mystic. She has a Masters Degree in Physics from Oxford University specialising in quantum physics and cosmology, and a PhD in Archaeology researching ancient cosmologies. She had mystical experiences from a very young age and worked with the wisdom teachers of many traditions furthering over ...
  • London Group 08-2017 – Introduction to Sacred Geometry and Mystical Mathematics
    August brought Olly Robinson who presented a fascinating insight into Sacred Geometry and Mystical Mathematics. Dr. OLIVER ROBINSON is an ex member of the SMN Board of directors, now a consultant, as well as a senior lecturer in psychology at the University of Greenwich. His book Paths Between Head and Heart: Harmonies of Science and ...
  • North Wales Group
    The former One Spirit Alliance local group in North Wales is no longer meeting. The board member with responsibility for local groups, Jacqui Nielsen, would like to hear from any full member of the Scientific and Medical Network who would be interested in reconstituting this group as an independent SMN local group.
  • Norway Group
    Welcome to the Norway Group page of the SMN. The Group is organised by Jon Mannsaker, B.Sc. (El. Eng.) Johan Scharffenbergs vei 91A, 0694 Oslo, Norway. Mobile: +47 90093751 Email: [email protected]   Local Groups are autonomous groups of members and their guests, meeting together for lectures and discussions. They are not a formal part of the Scientific and Medical Network (SMN). Forthcoming Meetings We ...
  • Switzerland Group
    Western Switzerland SMN Local Group Information Coordinator Mike Horner                [email protected]  0041 79 202 4617 Western Switzerland local group of the Scientific & Medical Network 2016 Meetings March 20                     Axel Hasenhoeller June 26                        Christa Muth and Hans van Moosel September 25              Alexander Vonlanthen November 13              David Lorimer This is an invitation to an SMN meeting on September25 2016 beginning at 10 30 ...
  • Tibor Putnoki visits Lampeter
    Tibor Putnoki at Lampeter and venues throughout Wales Putnoki Tibor tells his story – a view from the audience at Lampeter On 16 and 17 March 2015 the Lampeter and West Wales convenor hosted a double event arranged by the Light of Love Organisation as part of a tour of Wales by Tibor Putnoki. Angela Youdale, at ...
  • West Hampshire Group
    This group is no longer meeting. The board member with responsibility for local and national goups, Jacqui Nielsen, would like to hear from any full member of the Scientific and Medical Network who would be interested in carrying on the legacy of the West Hampshire local group. HISTORY OF THIS GROUP: Former Co-ordinator, Dr Anthony Fox 01590-645235. Former venue: Lymington Community ...

London Group – Meeting Reports 2008

November 2008 The Blissful Brain: Neuroscience and Proof of the Power of Meditation Dr Shanida Nataraja has a PhD in Neurophysiology from University College London and in her talk, explained what goes on in the brain when we meditate as well as the physical, mental and psychological effects of meditation. […]

London Group – Meeting Reports 2007

November 2007 The Valley Spirit – an Introduction to the Tao Te Ching Shantena Sabbadini is an associate director of the Pari Center for New Learning in Italy, and a physicist who worked on the foundations of quantum physics. He has a deep interest in mystical traditions, especially Chinese, and […]

London Group – Meeting Reports 2006

November 2006 Who has free will? How does it work? In November Dr. Chris Nunn spoke about free will. Chris is a retired psychiatrist and an assistant editor of the Journal of Consciousness Studies. He recently launched his latest book De La Mettrie’s Ghost: the Story of Decisions, in which […]

London Group – Meeting Reports 2005

November 2005 From Global Crisis to a New Civilization In November, we heard from Hardin Tibbs, a management consultant who specialises in long term thinking, strategy development and scenario planning. Hardin helps corporations think, prepare and plan for the future considering technological trends and innovations in the context of the […]

London Group – Meeting Reports 2004

December 2004 The Fascinating World of Subliminal Mind In December, Serena Roney-Dougal PhD who is an author and lecturer in Parapsychology, started us off by placing the concept of subliminal mind in context within Western Culture. We looked first at conscious perceptions and then to that which is above the […]

London Group – Meeting Reports 2003

November 2003 Radical Prince: the Integral Vision of HRH the Price of Wales November 14th Our very own David Lorimer, Programme Director of the Network, gav e the presentation in this month’s meeting and talked about his new book. David started by giving us an overview of his he came […]

London Group – Meeting Reports 2001

April 2001 Rupert writes: Regrettably, Geoff Boltwood had to cancel our February 21st meeting at the last minute for personal reasons. He hopes to be able to re-schedule in the near future. However, Peter Fenwick gave a thrilling talk to a large gathering of members on March 21st entitled ‘Does […]

London Group – Meeting Reports 2000

December 2000 Rupert writes: PHILLIP BEACH gave a compelling talk at our July meeting about how he has synthesized the Eastern discipline of Acupuncture within his own work in Western Osteopathy. For two thousand years the Chinese have utilised fourteen meridian lines in ancient acupuncture based on touch and the […]

London Group – Meeting Reports 1999

December 1999 RUPERT TOWER writes: On August 1st GEORG FEUERSTEIN gave an illuminating overview of the essentials of yoga, and chose to focus on Hatha-Yoga, meaning ‘force’ or ‘forceful’ yoga. This is the form of yoga best known in the West, though its deeper spiritual and philosophical foundations are rarely […]